“Mat­thi­as Dezes ana­ly­zes pre­cis­e­ly, advi­ses and imple­ments accu­ra­te­ly based on his jour­na­li­stic exper­ti­se and many years of expe­ri­ence on the cor­po­ra­te side.”

Thorsten KleinHead of Public Policy Germany & Switzerland at MasterCard

“Mr. Dezes advi­ses at eye level, sound­ly and prag­ma­ti­cal­ly with an excel­lent net­work of rele­vant media.”

Miriam AntonHead of Corporate and Financial Communications Grayling (2020)

“In a very cri­ti­cal time for pri­va­te equi­ty (locust deba­te!) Mat­thi­as Dezes built our com­pa­ny into a sym­pa­the­tic opi­ni­on lea­der. His cam­paign crea­ted a high level of trust for us and the enti­re indus­try.”

Stephan IllenbergerFormer Germany CEO AXA Private Equity, today: Cheetah Conservator

“Mat­thi­as Dezes under­stands like no one else how to iden­ti­fy topics in know­ledge-based indus­tries and posi­ti­on them in the mar­ket of brand-buil­ding media — on- and off­line. The tri­ang­le of finan­cial indus­try, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and PR stra­tegy is his home.”

Ulrich HorstschäferHead of Business Development & Communications, Allen & Overy

“Mat­thi­as has over two deca­des of expe­ri­ence as a com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons advi­sor to Ame­ri­can com­pa­nies and local and glo­bal finan­cial insti­tu­ti­ons. This exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence gives him the insight and in-depth know­ledge of cus­to­mer needs in the­se indus­tries. He has rai­sed awa­re­ness of the­se orga­niza­ti­ons and suc­cessful­ly gui­ded their com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons in the Ger­man mar­ket.”

Lynette StolzfusInternational Business Growth Advisor and Partner at Vainker & Associates in Luxembourg

“Mat­thi­as Dezes, with his PR con­sul­ting, is exact­ly the right man when it comes to com­mu­ni­ca­ting the inno­va­ti­ve busi­ness models of start­ups to the finan­cial world and busi­ness press. In addi­ti­on, he is the per­fect part­ner to assist com­pa­nies in repu­ta­ti­on-cri­ti­cal situa­tions. He has repea­ted­ly demons­tra­ted this abili­ty suc­cessful­ly in a long-term man­da­te.”

Jorg KellerHead of Communications Classifieds Media, Axel Springer SE

“In his con­cepts and texts for our joint pro­ject “Free­dom of Expres­si­on Week”*, Mat­thi­as Dezes has lin­ked socio-poli­ti­cal and eco­no­mic topics extra­or­di­na­ri­ly cle­ver­ly and thus hel­ped deve­lop our suc­cessful com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on stra­tegy.”

Alexander SkipisChief Executive, German Publishers and Booksellers Association