Law firms & professional services

Your law firm is well posi­tio­ned in the mar­ket – but does its pre­sence in the media lea­ve a lot to be desi­red? You have deve­lo­ped your busi­ness model fur­ther, but the mar­ket takes too litt­le noti­ce of it? Do you obser­ve deba­tes about your cli­ents’ issues and would like to con­tri­bu­te more?

All of this is achie­va­ble – with cam­paigns that address com­pel­ling issues. Ano­ther fac­tor is con­sis­tent cul­ti­va­ti­on of the mar­ket across all rele­vant chan­nels. And you always need to have an up-to-date news flow about man­da­te wins, deals, court rulings and per­so­na­li­ties.

You want to get star­ted?

Plea­se reach out to me.

Law firms & professional services

Your law firm is well posi­tio­ned in the mar­ket – but does its pre­sence in the media lea­ve a lot to be desi­red? You have deve­lo­ped your busi­ness model fur­ther, but the mar­ket takes too litt­le noti­ce of it? Do you obser­ve deba­tes about your cli­ents’ issues and would like to con­tri­bu­te more?

All of this is achie­va­ble – with cam­paigns that address com­pel­ling issues. Ano­ther fac­tor is con­sis­tent cul­ti­va­ti­on of the mar­ket across all rele­vant chan­nels. And you always need to have an up-to-date news flow about man­da­te wins, deals, court rulings and per­so­na­li­ties.

You want to get star­ted?

Plea­se reach out to me.

Banks & investment companies

More than 20 years’ expe­ri­ence means more than 20 years’ acti­ve par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in deve­lo­ping an indus­try. And it invol­ves doing so in three dif­fe­rent roles: as a finan­cial jour­na­list, as head of media rela­ti­ons with a major U.S. bank, and as a con­sul­tant and spar­ring part­ner.

We deve­lop the­ma­tic cam­paigns for you, wri­te spee­ches and guest con­tri­bu­ti­ons and sup­port you in times of cri­ses. We have been the exter­nal press office for Ger­ma­ny for a finan­cial ser­vice pro­vi­der from the U.S. for many years now.


Plea­se reach out to me.

Banks & investment companies

More than 20 years’ expe­ri­ence means more than 20 years’ acti­ve par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in deve­lo­ping an indus­try. And it invol­ves doing so in three dif­fe­rent roles: as a finan­cial jour­na­list, as head of media rela­ti­ons with a major U.S. bank, and as a con­sul­tant and spar­ring part­ner.

We deve­lop the­ma­tic cam­paigns for you, wri­te spee­ches and guest con­tri­bu­ti­ons and sup­port you in times of cri­ses. We have been the exter­nal press office for Ger­ma­ny for a finan­cial ser­vice pro­vi­der from the U.S. for many years now.


Plea­se reach out to me.

Private Equity

The news on the deal – at the right time, with the right mes­sa­ges to the right tar­get group – that is one part of com­mu­ni­ca­ting for pri­va­te equi­ty.

The other is to gain trust as an inves­tor, to cul­ti­va­te the image of the port­fo­lio com­pa­nies and to pro­vi­de sup­port when­ever a cri­sis hap­pens to strike.

We under­stand the working methods and objec­ti­ves of pri­va­te equi­ty. We sup­port the imple­men­ta­ti­on and always keep an eye on the cri­ti­cal envi­ron­ment.

To enable you to remain suc­cessful.

Want to hear more?


Private Equity

The news on the deal – at the right time, with the right mes­sa­ges to the right tar­get group – that is one part of com­mu­ni­ca­ting for pri­va­te equi­ty.

The other is to gain trust as an inves­tor, to cul­ti­va­te the image of the port­fo­lio com­pa­nies and to pro­vi­de sup­port when­ever a cri­sis hap­pens to strike.

We under­stand the working methods and objec­ti­ves of pri­va­te equi­ty. We sup­port the imple­men­ta­ti­on and always keep an eye on the cri­ti­cal envi­ron­ment.

To enable you to remain suc­cessful.

Want to hear more?



Your com­pa­ny is an imme­dia­te high flier and you plan to bring in new inves­tors? You want access to the big ven­ture-capi­tal pro­vi­ders and pri­va­te equi­ty funds?

You are alre­a­dy well-known or net­work­ed in start­up forums but have never fea­tured in the finan­cial press?

DEZES Public Rela­ti­ons will assist you in tel­ling your company’s suc­cess sto­ry in a way that will also be unders­tood by tho­se inves­tors keen on hel­ping you take the next steps to beco­me a real­ly big play­er.

We will work with you on deve­lo­ping your company’s and your own posi­tio­ning as CEO. And we will help you to pro­tect yours­elf com­mu­ni­ca­tively against cri­ti­cal topics and pro­vi­de you with an effec­ti­ve public appearance.

An invest­ment that is bound to reap hand­so­me returns.

Want to invest?

Click here for your first appoint­ment!


Your com­pa­ny is an imme­dia­te high flier and you plan to bring in new inves­tors? You want access to the big ven­ture-capi­tal pro­vi­ders and pri­va­te equi­ty funds?

You are alre­a­dy well-known or net­work­ed in start­up forums but have never fea­tured in the finan­cial press?

DEZES Public Rela­ti­ons will assist you in tel­ling your company’s suc­cess sto­ry in a way that will also be unders­tood by tho­se inves­tors keen on hel­ping you take the next steps to beco­me a real­ly big play­er.

We will work with you on deve­lo­ping your company’s and your own posi­tio­ning as CEO. And we will help you to pro­tect yours­elf com­mu­ni­ca­tively against cri­ti­cal topics and pro­vi­de you with an effec­ti­ve public appearance.

An invest­ment that is bound to reap hand­so­me returns.

Want to invest?

Click here for your first appoint­ment!
